1. How do I place an order?
Visit our website, choose your favorite posters, and follow the easy checkout process.

2. What's your delivery time?
Orders are typically delivered within 5-6 business days.

3. Can I track my order?
Yes, you'll receive a tracking link once your order is shipped. Tracking link is generally sent within 48hrs of placing an order.

4. Do you offer custom poster prints?
Yes, we do! Contact us on WhatsApp for pricing and details.

5.What's your return policy?
Returns accepted for damaged or incorrect items. Customers cover return fees.

6.How do I contact customer support?
Reach out via email at support@posterwiz.in or call us at +91 9035777632.

7. Do you ship internationally?
Currently, we only ship within India.

9.Can I cancel my order?
Orders can be canceled within 12 hours of purchase.

10. Are there bulk order discounts?
Yes, contact us for special pricing on bulk orders. The Minimum quantity for bulk orders is 100.